Sara Swan - Tariq Sabur Fine Art For Bodies Tempe Arizona Tattoo Artist Realism Portrait Swan black and grey black and white backpiece

When this tiny young lady wandered into my studio, I would have thought it was swirls and flowers for sure. Imagine my surprise when not only did she have one of the best Audrey Kawasaki pieces I’ve ever seen (by L at Outer Limits  in Orange, Ca) but she was requesting a full back piece. She had a few ideas and constraints on the peice but for the most part wanted me to draw it up custom from scratch. All in all, it has been an ideal project.

Major points for her decisiveness, great taste, the toughness required for multiple 5-hour sits, and being an overall amazing client.

A once-rare opportunity when a client walks in wanting a large scale, custom-drawn, masterpiece like this is getting more common these days… I Remain ever thankful.

Taking FLight...