All of the links I pulled up, and the subject matter of my previous post, put  me in a SUPER sentimental mood…

So I decided to finally take some time and begin updating my blog.

I spent a while learning how to bring my old blog over from blogger, and spent the rest of the day going through my old pics and writing posts to put online.
It was a nice trip down memory lane…

As this year draws to a close i am beginning to realize how far i’ve come these last few years…

I remember when I tattooed from a spare room in another establishment*
(*hush!) when I could count the tattoo’s id done on one hand….

When I quit my last (peeerfectly good) corporate job and took off on a wing on a prayer with the only reassuring thought that “Hey, i’ve got a good resume, if I havent made it in 5 years i can always go back.”

Now 2 years later, I own my own tattoo shop. I never thought it’d have come so fast.

It hasn’t been easy… its been a little bit of a rough holiday season, but i have to keep reminding myself that this is my first year out!
I’ve been tattooing the better part of a decade now, but this is the first year I have been operating in a fixed location, steadily, and open to the general public. And I’m making it!

And I never could had done it without you.

So please, if you’ve got a second, and might enjoy the read,
Click on the “archives” to the right to see some of the  history that has brought “Fine Art For Bodies” philosophy from its humble starts tattooing friends and friends of friends, to developing the learning to tattoo in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil to where it is today.

It will be a constantly growing story, so stay tuned, subscribe to the Fine Art For Bodies facebook page for updates, and keep an ear out for new posts as I get this blogger blog over to the wordpress site.

Thanks again, and I wish you all a happy holiday season!!