Home sick today…
Apparently, the shoulder has NOT sufficiently healed to support the amount of physical activity I have been undertaking (in the form of tattooing my ASS off… lol.)
Had a near-systems shutdown today… booo on biology.
Well, sounds like a perfect time to catch up on some blog posts!

As you know, I’ve been uploading pics, catching up on latent posts, and importing blogs from my other blogs and old portfolio site in the process of making this my principal site.
(Check out those old sites for a trip down memory lane! and probably some background/bio info as well!)

So there’s been some new updates!!

Finding your piece

WordPress has a MEAN tagging utility, and I’ve been working on harnessing it so I can find my junk more readily… lol 😉

So try using the search bar (Over there)—>
To search your first or last name, the subject of your tattoo, your nationality, your quote or phrase, or your faith or scripture; and your tattoo and related ones should pop right up!
Heck try searching your brother or friends name and yours will probly come up!!

IF that doesnt work (And it should,) scroll down a liiiittle further to the archives, and you can find it by month.
*sigh* If only my filing system worked that well… lol.

The Gallery!

I finally re-remembered how to get pics into my gallery on this site! Yaaaay 🙂

Feast your braaaains.


Ok time to go draw. Have a great night!